
Your Starter Kits lets you attend some special events.

These events will help you to
**learn about Stampin'UP! Product and how to use it
**develop stamping skills and learn new techniques
**get ideas for running a business

These events are where I get all my trade samples that I show!  :)
  • My Group - The Crafty Crew  
    . . . FREE
    . . . we try to meet monthly
    . . . 4 of us and growing
  • ...Local Madison Group
    . . . FREE
    . . . 5-12 people
    . . . MONTHLY, - usually the last Tuesday - At Rachel Durtschi's house, south west side of Madison
    §§Agenda:  swaps, Make & Takes, we bring samples to share, some business talk
  • Large Demo Group Gatherings
    . . . 20-35 people,
    . . . minimal cost - usually $15 - $35
    . . . usually in either Madison or Janesville
    §§Your email invitation will reference the group name
         either the "HeARTisan group" (Karla Anders' group, she is my 2nd level up)
         or "Packin Heat Guns" group ( Joyce Hall's group she is my 6th level up)
    §§Agenda:  swaps, demos, we all bring samples to share, business topics
  • Stampin'UP! events

          . . . 3,000 to 8,000 people
           . . . held once a year in Salt Lake City, Utah in July
           . . . 300 - 600 people
           . . . multiple events held in various locations around the country
    §§Check the Stampin'UP! Demonstrator Site events page for Cost and other details
    §§Agenda:  swaps, demos, sample boards, business topics 

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